What Vasile Saw part 9
Why war? why suffering and cold and sacrifices when life might be easy—why? why? Why a God in the Heavens… too far off? Why symbols and superstitions and prejudices that had no clear meaning,...
What Vasile Saw part 8
Others rose to examine the longed-for wood Vasile had brought and exclamations of all kinds arose.
The prisoners raised their heads and stared with sullen eyes at those who were talking. But Vasile was dumb....
What Vasile Saw part 7
With a rapid movement Vasile seized the first cross and tried to pull it from the frozen ground. … The cross resisted—resisted like a tree with roots deep down in the ground, resisted like...
What Vasile Saw part 6
Vasile crossed himself instinctively, murmuring under his breath a prayer for the dead. He stood gazing in a dazed way at those three melancholy effigies, vaguely wondering the end of whose road they marked....
What Vasile Saw part 5
“Wood—wood! I was to find wood,” he grumbled. “Where in this damned desert is there any wood I wonder! My God, what a night!
The wind cuts like a whip and the snow it drives...
What Vasile Saw part 4
Vasile shrugged his shoulders. “As you will,” he said, slinging his gun upon his back and without further protest set out, wading with stiff movements through the deep uneven snow, little caring which way...
What Vasile Saw part 3
A gust of wind whirled up a great wave of snow and each man turned so as to meet the onslaught with his back.
“A night for wolves,” said one.
“A night for the devil,” said...
What Vasile Saw part 2
Their burly guardians paid little attention to them; in short sentences which the wind seemed to rend, they were talking to their only young companion who stood leaning on his gun as in summer...
What Vasile Saw part 1
Marie, Queen of Roumania (1875-1935)
JUST as one never thinks of Conrad as anything but an English writer, so one considers Queen Marie as Roumanian. She became, at the age of fifteen, the wife of...
The Father part 2
Eight years more rolled by, and then one day a noise was heard outside of the priest`s study, for many men were approaching, and at their head was Thord, who entered first.
The priest looked...