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Register of Dignitaries part 5

The staff of the aforesaid illustrious master of the offices is made up from the school of confidential agents as follows:A chief assistant,Assistants:two aids,three for the arsenals,four for the embroiderers in gold:for the diocese...

Register of Dignitaries part 4

The staff of the aforesaid office of the master in the presence is enrolled with the forces and assigned to staff duty.It includes the officers below mentioned:A chief of staff,Two accountants (numerarii),A custodian,Chief...

Register of Dignitaries part 3

The officials named in the text received high salaries. After working through to the highest staff position, which was commonly held for either one or two years, they were eligible for the lower governorships,...

Register of Dignitaries part 2

II The Pretorian Prefect of the East.Under the control of the illustrious* pretorian prefect of the East are the dioceses below mentioned:Each of the great officials of the empire at this time was...

Register of Dignitaries part 1

I. Register of the Dignitaries Both Civil and Military, in the Districts of the East.The pretorian prefect of the East.The pretorian prefect of Illyricum.The prefect of the city of Constantinople.Two masters of horse and...

The Story of Abou Hassan the Wag or the Sleeper Awakened part 7

It was then the close of the night, and Abou Hassan, awaking, and hearing the sounds of the lutes, and tambourines, and flutes, and the singing of the slave girls, cried out, O my...

The Commissioner`s Christmas part 6

“Guess we, too, have to turn into moor-hens `and wade out,” said Ondra thoughtfully, “or else—”“Oh, you idiot! Just wait till we get out of this! I`ll break every bone in your body! We`ll...

The Commissioner`s Christmas part 5

“Whip `em up! Hurry up! You lazybones! We`ll freeze to death!” shrieked the furious commissioner.Ondra indifferently shouted to the horses and drowsily swung his whip over their heads, but as before they wearily, inertly...

The Commissioner`s Christmas part 4

“Stop your silly chatter and get along. It`s getting dark, and I`ve got to get back to celebrate Christmas with my family. You charge too much, you imp! Three leu for twenty kilometers! You...

The Commissioner`s Christmas part 3

The small coach slowly wallowed through the deep soft mud, wading in, wading out, twisting and turning. A loose board on the side of it constantly, monotonously, dismally and senselessly rattled and banged mercilessly...

Treasures of Varna


Blue Mosque