Register of Dignitaries part 7


XIX. The Masters of the Bureaus.

The master of the bureau of memorials formulates and issues all rescripts, and responds to petitions.

The master of the bureau of correspondence deals with deputations from states, consultations * and petitions.

The master of the bureau of requests deals with the hearing of cases and petitions.
The master of the bureau of Greek Correspondence either himself formulates those letters which are usually issued in Greek, or when they have been formulated in Latin translates them into Greek.

No one of these has a staff of his own, but assistants chosen from the bureaus.

[*] References to the imperial authority of questions on which provincial magistrates were in doubt: appeals from judges rather than against them.

XX. The Proconsul of Asia.

Under the control of the worshipful proconsul of Asia are the provinces mentioned below:
The Islands,

His staff is as follows:
A chief of the same staff,
A chief deputy,
A chief assistant,
A custodian,
A keeper of the records.
Receivers of taxes,
A receiver of requests,
Secretaries and other officials.

The proconsul of Asia is entitled to ___

XXIII. The Augustal Prefect

Under the control of the worshipful Augustal prefect are the provinces mentioned below:
Lybia superior,
Lybia inferior,

His staff is as follows:

A chief of staff from the school of confidential agents of the first class, who at the close of two years’ service, after adoring the imperial clemency, goes forth with insignia.[*]

A chief deputy,
A custodian,
A quaestor,
An assistant,
A keeper of the records,
Receivers of taxes,
A curator of correspondence, Secretaries and other attendants.

The Augustal prefect is entitled to____

[*] That is, advanced to such rank, consular or proconsular, as carries with it the privilege of insignia of office. Consular rank was attainable by those who did not become actual consuls.

XXIV The Vicar of the Diocese of Asia

Under the control of the worshipful vicar of the diocese of Asia are the provinces mentioned below:
Phrygia Pacatiana,
Phrygia salutaris.

The staff of the worshipful vicar of the diocese of Asia is as follows:
A chief of staff from the school of confidential agents of the first class, who at the close of two years’ service, after adoring the imperial clemency, goes forth with insignia.

A chief deputy,
A custodian,
An assistant,
A keeper of the records,
Receivers of taxes,
A curator of correspondence,
Secretaries and other officials.

The vicar of the diocese of Asia is entitled to

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