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The Commissioner`s Christmas part 2

The country lad shouted once more to his horses, settled himself more comfortably on the box, slapped his wet cap on his thick cape and, in a carefree voice, started up a gay tune.“What`s...

The Commissioner`s Christmas part 1

BulgariaIntroductionBulgarian literature is still in its infancy. The first Bulgarian grammar was published in 1835. This was the work of the monk Neophyt Rilski (1793—1881) who was responsible for the opening of some of...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 9

I fear some secret bond between fortune and him, but it is better to fling ourselves into battle than to delay here.” Thus he spoke, and, giving rein to his spirited horse, he raised...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 8

Give me back this one, my only son; think how my heart will burn with grief, the whole length of my life. What crime have I committed? Even tyranny must have a pretext, and...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 7

“What reason has he for hating me?” cried out the impure Zuhak.“Because his father will die at your hands.”The king heard and thought on this, fell from his throne, and swooned away. When his...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 6

“Perhaps, if you reveal it,” said Arnawaz, “we may find a remedy, for no ill exists that has not its remedy.” The king was persuaded by this, and told what he had seen in...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 5

Jamshid fled before him, and for a hundred years was seen by no man, till Zuhak fell upon him without warning in the confines of China and put him to death. Thus perished his...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 4

Zuhak was pleased and commended his cook, who said, “To-morrow I will prepare for your Majesty a dish than which nought is more perfect.” And the next day, when the blue dome of heaven...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 3

“First,” said Iblis, “you must swear an oath not to reveal my secrets to any man.” “I swear,” said Zuhak, “and I will do everything you tell me.” “Then,” said Iblis to him, “why...

Jamshid and Zuhak part 2

The present version of Jamshid and Zuhak, a single episode from The Book of the Kings, is from the translation by Reuben Levy, M.A., copyrighted in 1923 by the Oxford University Press, by whose...

Kukeri Carnival


Children and Old Folk


Beglik Tash Tour