The Commissioner`s Christmas part 5
“Whip `em up! Hurry up! You lazybones! We`ll freeze to death!” shrieked the furious commissioner.
Ondra indifferently shouted to the horses and drowsily swung his...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 4
“Stop your silly chatter and get along. It`s getting dark, and I`ve got to get back to celebrate Christmas with my family. You charge...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 3
The small coach slowly wallowed through the deep soft mud, wading in, wading out, twisting and turning. A loose board on the side of...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 2
The country lad shouted once more to his horses, settled himself more comfortably on the box, slapped his wet cap on his thick cape...
The Commissioner`s Christmas part 1
Bulgarian literature is still in its infancy. The first Bulgarian grammar was published in 1835. This was the work of the monk Neophyt Rilski...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 9
I fear some secret bond between fortune and him, but it is better to fling ourselves into battle than to delay here.” Thus he...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 8
Give me back this one, my only son; think how my heart will burn with grief, the whole length of my life. What crime...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 7
“What reason has he for hating me?” cried out the impure Zuhak.
“Because his father will die at your hands.”
The king heard and thought on...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 6
“Perhaps, if you reveal it,” said Arnawaz, “we may find a remedy, for no ill exists that has not its remedy.” The king was...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 5
Jamshid fled before him, and for a hundred years was seen by no man, till Zuhak fell upon him without warning in the confines...