Register of Dignitaries part 4


The staff of the aforesaid office of the master in the presence is [made up from officers] enrolled with the forces and assigned to staff duty.

It includes the officers below mentioned:
A chief of staff,
Two accountants (numerarii),
A custodian,
Chief clerks (primiscrinios), who become accountants,
Secretaries and other attendants (apparitores).

The master of the soldiery in the presence is entitled to fifteen post-warrants in the year.

[*] For the organization and strength of the army at this period see Bury’s Gibbon, Vol. II, App. 12. A summary of his statements, embodying the results of Montrusen’s study, is here given;

A. Organization.

I. The borderers (limitanei, ripenses) were stationed on the frontiers and served as cultivators of lands allotted to them as well as soldiers.

II. Imperial troops.

b. Troops of the second line (pseudo-comitatenses).
c. Palatine troops, of higher rank and pay than the line.
d. The 12 schools, of 500 men each, palace guards.

B. Strength.

VII. The Master of the Soldiery in the East.

Under the control of the illustrious master of the soldiery in the East:
Ten squadrons of horse of the line.*enumeration omitted
Two palatine auxilia.*enumeration omitted
Nine legions of the line.*enumeration omitted
Eleven legions of the secondary line.*enumeration omitted

The staff of the master’s office in the East is considered permanent.

It includes the officers below mentioned:
A chief of staff,
Two accountants,
A custodian,
A chief assistant,
Quartermasters (mensores),
Secretaries and other attendants.

The master of the soldiery in the East is entitled to twenty-five post-warrants in the year.

X. The Provost of the Sacred Bedchamber.

Under the control of the illustrious provost of the sacred bedchamber:
The imperial estate (domus divina) in Cappadocia.

XI. The Master of the Offices.

Under the control of the illustrious master of the offices:
The first school *1 of shield-bearers,
The second school of shield-bearers,
The school of senior gentiles,*2
The school of shield- and bow-bearers,
The school of mailed shield-bearers,
The junior light-armed school,
The school of junior gentiles,
The school of confidential agents (agentes in rebus *3 and those assigned from the same school,
The surveyors and lamp-makers,
The bureau of memorials,
The bureau of correspondence,
The bureau of requests,
The bureau of assignments (dispositiones),
The staff of ushers,

The arsenals below mentioned:
of [the diocese of] the East five:
of shields and weapons, at Damascus,
of shields and weapons, at Antioch,
of mail, at Antioch,
of shields and equipment, at Edesa,
of spears, at Irenopolis in Cilicia.
of [the diocese of] Pontus three:
of cuirasses, at Caesaraea in Cappadocia,
of shields and weapons, at Nicomedia,
of cuirasses, at Nicomedia.
of [the diocese of] Asia one:
of shields and weapons, at Sardis in Lydia.
of [the diocese of] the two Thraces (one of the diocese of Asia):
of shields and weapons, at Hadrianopolis of Haemimontus
of shields and weapons, at Marcianopolis (in the two Thraces).
of [the diocese of] Illyricum four:
at Thessalonica,
at Naissus,
at Ratiaria,
of shields at Horreomargi.

Read More about The Story of Abou Hassan the Wag or the Sleeper Awakened part 6


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